Market Trends - Summer 2013
Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 - by Tom Hassan
◂ Back to Tom's Real Estate BlogWhat an amazing summer in Vancouver! Hopefully you were able to enjoy quality time with your family. I know my family enjoyed many summer activities on the North Shore including the Harmony Arts Festival and the opening of the new John Lawson Adventure Park.
Real Estate activity on the North Shore had a slow start in 2013 as we adapted to an International driven market in 2011 and 2012 to a more balanced market of offshore and local buyers. I am pleased to report as of September 2013 we are in full recovery mode for most neighbourhoods in West Vancouver. Please note specific neighbourhood average prices vary and I have compiled exact averages in the attached Newsletter.
I am very pleased to report that I have just hired a full time Mandarin Speaking Assistant to deal with servicing the real estate needs of both Buyers and Sellers from Mainland China. This Manager of International Marketing will be translating all marketing materials, accompany me on all properties where Mandarin translation is requested and oversee the launch of my Mandarin Website. With over one-third of homes selling to this important demographic in specific neighbourhoods, I really feel I am providing Buyers and Sellers first class International marketing services and a competitive advantage.